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Non benzo meds for anxiety
I found that propanolol keeps me awake rather than helping sleep. Its great if you have to make a speech or presentation, ask a big favor, ask someone out and are nervous about it, but not if you take it for getting to sleep. Take it early in the day to avoid problems if you can.
Unfortunately, I have tried a veritable laundry list of non-benzo medications to treat anxiety, and none of them were very effective for me. Benzos (in moderation, of course) seem to be the way to go for me.
One med that I've been trying is Buspirone... I know the jury is still out on it, but it has significantly reduced my day to day anxiety over a few months time.
(01-29-2016, 11:28 PM)renegadehammy Wrote: One med that I've been trying is Buspirone... I know the jury is still out on it, but it has significantly reduced my day to day anxiety over a few months time.

Glad to hear it is working for you.  That was one of the ones that I never had much success with.  I think that for long-term treatment, it is a safer option that some of the others.
(01-29-2016, 11:28 PM)renegadehammy Wrote: One med that I've been trying is Buspirone... I know the jury is still out on it, but it has significantly reduced my day to day anxiety over a few months time.

Buspar makes my head feel like its jolting.
Hard to explain, its only when I move my head really fast to look at something . it didn't help with my anxiety but I've never felt the head thing with any other drug except buspirone. I'm on Cymbalta, it seems to help a little bit .
bus made me sick to my stomach
Wow, that's exactly how I feel. Well written!
A shrink gave me something called vistral i believe thats tje brand i don't remember the chemical name. Non narcotic track they hand em out at rehab too. Only thing that ever helped me. I tried i think neurontin and a few ssris never had any luck. I was looking for different things at that point though- the vistral was given to me at a time when i was looking to get healthy rather than catch a buzz

Non narcotic tranquilizer sorry
(11-14-2015, 07:23 AM)DcMcB Wrote: All of these things seem all well and good the thing is with me is Benzos saved my life and they were magic....then the downside you become tolerant and then you get addicted.  I am one that believes they are great but also wished I would have never taken them that is a conundrum huh?

Oops, my above post makes no sense.
I was supposed to quote this one by DcMcB.
So yeah, great post, it's exactly how I feel about Valium!
I find melatonin highly effective but it is important to take every night for at least 6 weeks to really reset your circadian rhythm. Keen to look at 5htp soon also

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