Fabulous advice, Mr. Hind, and it's what I should have done...except while my mother had just died, and my father was now on Hospice like she was, I heard my sis's husband calling a friend about picking my car up. I was in a haze, a daze, and crazed. So I said nothing. Even though I paid to have the new battery put in, the new gas tank, etc.
My sis bought it cheap for me from a friend's older family member who had died. It was a 1990 with only 1600 miles on it! And it had AC. If you don't have AC here, it's not going to work to drive far. I know because I drove one hour to work in an SUV with no AC, and it was black. It st in the sun all day until it was time to drive home.
It was so hot in that car, my heart was pounding and it too more than an hour to get home. I was breathing hard by the time I got home, and had to peel my clothing off and get in the tub of cold water. My clothing was soaked.
I bought a huge insulated jug with a straw and filled it with ice every morning and made iced tea in it. Thee was no AC in the office, but there was still ice in my tea at the end of the day for my drive home.
My sis said I could use her older SUV, but suddenly told me that I could never afford the DMV fees, maintenance, gas and insurance. She was right. But I now can get Social Security early, except because of the lock down during Covid, the DMV ignored my check for my tags. So, after a bit over a month, she paid it online. That same day they put my check through, also. Thieves. Then, even though I mailed my payment in a month early, they charged me a late fee, after taking the payment twice.
Online was virtual help. Meaning no help whatsoever because they were closed online, as well. They state they were not, but I wasn't able to renew my license. It kept stating "An application is already processing."
I checked online and others were having the same problem. Those whose license renewals were due in 2020 were unable to pay for their renewals. They were all driving with expired licenses.
My 1990 car was connected to a battery, but the new gasoline destroyed my gas tank. We had a very honest mechanic who was friends with my nephew. They went to the same schools growing up.
He talked to a man who owned a car lot and the man told him "The new gas is crap. And it eats through older tanks. You wouldn't believe how many people are dealing with this now."
So, I paid for that.
I have been here for four years now, with no transportation. I don't know what happened to me using my sissy older SUV, but I was supposed to receive my parents fairly new SUV.
Nope. My sis and her husband took it. They have other cars, too.
I wouldn't go to a doctor ever again, especially where I live, but if I do not, the state will take my disability pittance away, because it is not the type you pay into when you work.
I should have applied for SSDI after what my doctor employers did to me, but I wanted to try.
I wish I had applied for it then. It would be a lot more than the amount I receive, and even though I went through the whole process of SS, I still haven't received it.
The employee in my district who deals with my disability reviews, etc., didn't do what she was supposed to do. A review. A woman at the main office said "THAT IS HER JOB AND SHE HASSSSS TO DO IT!"
She told me to call her back. I did. I was told something different from each employee at the main office, and my district office.
Because of this district manager, I received a notice stating they were stopping my disability payments.
I called her back telling her this. She was so rude I was stunned. She did the review, then said I had to have my bank set up the payments with my account number, and said "CALL HER AND TELL HER THAT!"
I did, telling her what they told me.
She said: Now I don't want you to take this the wrong way, okay? But you have called me FIVE TIMES today!"
1) Never treat those handling your food badly.
2) Never treat anyone on physical and especially psychological disability badly.
In this day and age, I am quite surprised that she is still breathing.
I looked their reviews up and saw people who claimed this place here LIES; one woman never received her documentation proof (that she was who she claimed to be) back. Her SSN Card, her D/L, her Birth Certificate, etc. Yet they lied and said she did. Yeah, cuz they're using it for fraudulent purposes. They have stolen her identity. Of course they did! Or SOLD it! Others said they lost their benefits because of this place in my district. I believe that because even though she called to tell them to reinstate mine, I received a notice in the mail stating that since I no longer receive benefits, and by that time, they were reinstated, I now need to choose one of only three available health plans that are Medicaid, but still a real health plan.
When she told me "Now I don't want you to take this personal, okay?" I wanted to ask her: "Is there any other way to take it?"
I said "I am only calling this number when I have been TOLD to. Like my bank.
They said to call you and let you know that they said: "NO! WE ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED TO DO THIS! THEY HAVE TO SET THE PAYMENTS UP, NOT US!"
She said as if I was a two year old: "Did you bother to check your bank to see if the $ was deposited?"
Hello? That's one of the reasons I called! I didn't receive my deposit!
I said "Yes, I didddd."
"Did you wait awhile and check again?"
I said "Yes, I didddd."
"This is a bank issue! You need to call THEM!"
I repeated what they told me. She said "IT IS A BANK ISSUE! YOU NEED TO CALL THEM!"
I did and repeated what she said and they were furious and said "You tell HER that we do NOT have the authority to do this! SHE HAS TO DO IT!"
I called and told her what they told me to tell her.
That's when she said that remark about how I have called five times today.
I said I am only calling you when I have been told to. And, if my benefits are stopped, I WILL be ON THE STREETS."
So, my SS was supposed to be deposited on the 3rd. This was a different employee and very nice. Was it deposited?
I cannot deal with this anymore, or my sis. She treats me like crap when they visit and many times I have told her I'm sick, so don't come.
They want to come for Christmas. I do not want them to. All she does is make sparky remarks and complain about it not being ready for House Beautiful as in, cluttered.
Sorry, but I have laundry to do, and more. And let's not forget how you had the same thing when we grew up together. Clothes on the floor, blow dryer on the sink, diet coke cans from one end of your window ledge to the other end which was the length of the room. We used to laugh about it with a cousin who was the same way.
My letters of recommendation from doctors I worked for state that I have extraordinary organizational skills. She used to ask me to straighten her work station and then said "HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?"
She denies it now.
She has lived in the same house her entire life. I have lived on my own.
Suddenly she acts like she's Mr. Clean's wife.
I am baffled. I am trapped here with no way to go ANYWHERE.
Buying this place was the most ridiculous thing to do. We don't pay rent, because we own it. But the lot rent keeps getting higher and higher every year, and I pay utilities. And for food.
Lord, please please take me home.
I have been alone 24/7 for four years now, except when they visit, and all it does is upset me.
I don't want to be here and I never did. The house they're living in, I was living in too, because it's half mine.
It's huge, too!
Lord, help me. I've been praying for 20 plus years and it just gets worse.
Please have mercy on me and call me home?