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Had To Put My Two Cats Down Last Monday
Where I live, the vet bills are enormous. It’s a bit “rural” and the coyotes get most of the cats. Thus the higher prices. 

Not only that, but they have a new “policy”. If your pet can be “treated”, they will not put them out of their misery.  Angry So, of course in their monetary opinion, ALL pets can be “treated.”

My cats were given to me by a friend who has a family member who is highly allergic. The breed of these cats are known for causing allergic reactions because they have so much dander. 

They were Senior cats and from the same litter. One had diabetes and kidney issues. The other had urinary tract issues. Both began to urinate outside of their litter boxes. The one with diabetes was quite overweight. She also had a certain walk diabetic cats often have. The other yowled at night but not her normal meows. They were odd sounds. Both had arthritis and other issues as they aged. 

I was so furious at this particular vet that has a chain of them, because it was so obvious that they just want to make money. 

I think it’s very cruel to “treat” certain ailments in animals that cannot be cured. It’s stressful enough for many pets to be placed in a carrier and taken to the vet for treatments that are weekly, bi weekly, etc. 

I was so angry I came close to saying “So, where did you find the Fountain of Youth for cats?” 

They were in pain from arthritis, and urinating was painful. There is more, but it’s too difficult to talk about. 

Touching them in certain ways was painful for them. Picking them up was very difficult because I could tell that it was hurting them. 

I found a place online that comes to your home and puts them to sleep. Yes, it was expensive, but the other vets’ ongoing “treatments” would have added to far more. 

They showed up last Monday, the veterinarian and assistant. I walked out to meet them. The first thing the assistant did was give me a big hug. Inside, the veterinarian gave me a hug. 

They were so kind. They put them in my arms when they gave them the shot to put them to sleep. I held them in large towels. They gave the larger cat more to make sure she was completely asleep. They used adult bed wetting sheets and gently placed each cat on one. Then they gave them the “main” shot. 

They went peacefully with no pain. They cleaned up, carried them to the back of their car and told me to spend as much time as I wanted with them. I kissed each of my cats, and said my goodbyes calling them by their many nicknames. I had the option to keep them and bury them here, but I couldn’t have done it because the ground here is too hard. 

They were Seniors when they were given to me. I had them a little over a year. They each had a wonderful life with their previous owner, and they were sweet and fun cats when I had them. 

I will NEVER use this popular vet chain again. 

Don’t BS me about “quality of life”, telling me that my cats can be treated.  

First of all, they don’t like strangers, and this includes YOU. 

Second, even seeing their cat carriers causes them to panic. 

Third, you are sickeningly cruel. Many treatments are painful and YOU know it. 

Fourth, you’re blood sucking attorneys (no offense meant to you, Charon. I know you weren’t, and aren’t, that type) who just want to rack up billable hours.

Fifth, so many people go into credit card debt because of businesses like yours, and then the pet dies anyway. And you KNEW that was going to happen. Now they’re stuck with payments they can’t afford. 

Six, not everyone has transportation available 24/7. 

Seven, you are partly to blame for pets that get turned loose and left to fend for themselves. You refuse to put a pet out of its misery, and many no longer have the means to take care of the pet. 

Eight, many of the catteries aren’t taking anymore cats. 

Nine, the ones I have been to are filled with too many cats, who eat and drink from the same bowls, use the same litter boxes, and exchange respiratory infections and viruses. And you (purposely) don’t always disclose any various illnesses the cat(s) have that people pay for, and take into their homes. 

I know because you lied right to my face about certain cats. 

Ten, you may or may not know this, but others do. You have a bad reputation for not disclosing important health issues about your pets. 

i have read alot in some local news page that vets are charging astronomical fees.

I am so sorry for your heart. You will see them again in Heaven.

If my Prince Harry gets sick, I cannot afford a vet.

so alot of people got cats during the pandemic. and now they cannot afford the newly high vet bills. cuz we all got attached even more to our fur babies.

i cannot believe the prices i see and read about.

i cannot even get my bad bad bad tooth treated. i have no monies on medicare.

it amazes me how many post on next door about getting vet car. cat chipping. how the hell do they afford it?

i did little orphan animals an animal rescue group. the agreement was the unadopted cats were their property and they would support them and take them back if i got too sick and or divorced. both happened.

they told me to put them in the carriers and leave them in the street to be run over.

i hate that fucking group.

the aspca aint no better. i helped an 80 or so aged woman. her friend died suddenly and had unfixed cats. no one would help. so the one i helped made a million dollar will. she had it. that all the cats, using that money, get taken care of until a normal death.

the day she delivered the will to the aspca, is when she got sick. needed a bit of help. and for aspca to fulfill its contract. they took the one million immediately and put all her cats to death. many were adoptable.

the vet industry has become cruel and like they did with the Jab view, u r cruel to not kill a cat if the parent dies.

i hope God punishes them for every unnecessary death. Took the money and ran.

Now she lived a quiet lifestyle. so these cats were so impt to her she saved up one million dollars to provide for them.

vets are now money hungry. have little concern over their wee patients.

I am so sorry. They are at Gods throne. I absolutely know our animals will be in heaven.

God bless. HUGS AND LOVE. So sorry.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

Thank you Charon. Heart

I knew you’d understand! Oh, and ASPCA is a total racket. Bunch of scammers.


Use your money to pay an elderly person’s electric or gas bill. Buy bread and bananas and grapes and easy to eat foods. 

Buy them wool blankets or down comforters or sherpa. Buy them Aspirin or Tylenol. A magnifying glass. LED lights with batteries. Wool socks. Slippers. Juice. Certain lactose intolerant milk brands. Toilet Paper. Cough syrup with a suppressant. 

Keep an eye on them.
Heart Heart HUGS. GOOD NITE.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel


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