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Hilarious Photos Of Walmart’s Greatest Customers
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Home Spa Honey
There's no question that masking has become a serious trend in the
beauty world. Mud may sound like it doesn't belong on the face, but any
skin guru will tell you to think again!Still, what is this gal thinking?
Walmart is no place to scare the children
with a green disguise like this. It's spooky, almost! Or, we have a real
multitasker here. Clearing blackheads while picking up some fruit at
shockingly low prices?
Maybe she's just ahead of the curve.

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The Grim Beaker
It's true that the COVID-19 epidemic has led to mass mask-wearing
around the world. And for good reason! All those sneaky particles can
come from anywhere, and everywhere. What's this strategy, though?
Well, the first issue is whether or not this is a tight seal. Judging from
those eyeholes, no. The second issue is whether or not this enforces
social distancing rule effectively. On this count, it looks like a yes.
This is terrifying! No one is going to come six feet within this beer buyer,
and he knows it.
Very innovative, sir!

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Legging Lover
The ladies department usually carries more experimental, trendy clothing
in most stores. Men often stick with the basics, but this couple is
breaking the mold!Both may be wearing casual tees and denim, but there's
a big difference in their choices today. The man has decided to sport
wacky leggings and emphasize his beautiful calves! Is he just ahead of
the times, yet roaming Walmart? Anything is possible. But let’s be honest,
he probably just felt too cold and lazy to get out of his pajamas!

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Sanitary Or Safe?
Look, the virus is deadly. But some of these masks might actually kill
people just from laughter! What is this older couple thinking, for the
love of Walmart? Well, let's analyze. The sunglasses are certainly a
good idea. After all, it has been reported that COVID-19 can be absorbed
through the eyes! Those masks, though. What's the deal with these
menstrual products? There is no way these two didn't have scarf at home.
Or any cloth at all? People, this is not recommended. Stop it!

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Not Illegal Yet
It's one thing being risky when it comes to haircuts. It's another
thing being totally ridiculous! This guy was clearly trying to work
out his baldness, but this cannot be the solution. Not on our watch!
This rat tail is frankly very distracting, even at Walmart.
Was a hairdresser ever consulted about this life altering decision?
No professional would allow their client to leave like the shop like
this, at least not sober. The fashion police have now come to
capture a crime in progress, for all the world to see.
Consider this a warning, sir!

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Have you ever been desperately hungry just before bed?
We all have, honestly. But who can say they went nude straight
to Walmart, barely blanketed? Only this woman, we hope.When
those rumbles takes over, nothing can stop the cravings for some.
The duvet does help stay within the law, but maybe Walmart
needs a very basic dress code just for the store.
This is outrageous!
Nothing underneath!
Will no one confront this bizarre babe, right to her face?
No, and she probably got a warm "Welcome to Walmart" on the way in!

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Fashion Police 911
Many may actually be scared looking at this photo. It's beyond
simply amusement, and it's not clear why Walmart didn’t stop
this woman at the entrance!
Was it Halloween, at least?If not, there is no excuse for this situation.
This customer seems to have two separate hairdos, neither
cooperating with the other. One style looks upside-down, the
other seems to be a mop! And the over-the-top jewelry doesn't
jive well with the flowers, does it? If this woman refuses to reform,
it may be time for handcuffs.
This is a fashion emergency!

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What A Weiner!
Okay Mr. cool guy, we see you. Hot dog costumes like that don't
happen everyday, but it still begs the question: Why today?
Maybe he just wanted to go totally incognito for that tabloid reading
he is doing at the moment. Embarrassing for some, a guilty pleasure
for others. And for this guy, it seems to be both. Furthermore,
he seems to be posing as a handicapped shopper.
Is that even true?
Maybe he is just trying to avoid the slippery mess he created in
aisle after aisle, a trail of ketchup and mustard.

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Monkey Business
How often do you see a monkey outside of a zoo?
In Walmart, apparently, often! Just look at this adorable furry
monster in aisle three! Wrapped tenderly in a towel, it's likely
most customers will not even notice this special guests in their midst.
But what has gotten into this lady? Maybe she has empty nest
syndrome, or jungle fever. Whatever the case may be, fellow shoppers
better pray that this little guy is toilet trained!
Cleanup, aisle no thanks.

[Image: 13c5b75f5a4ed30b6e3f480d32efad37.jpg]
Check My Toes Out
Some may wonder if this is the beginning of a trend. Fashion can
be unpredictable, after all! Was this bought a couture shop?
Is this lady just ahead of the trend, unlike us? No, let’s be real.
This Walmart shopper definitely took it upon herself as a DIY project,
and the results are questionable. It appears she has actually cut
through her sneakers and her socks! Those lovely blue painted toes
are probably the source of the problem. We all know pedicures on
the go can be tricky, since they take so long to dry. Still, yuck!

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Doggy Deals
Walmart is famous for its competitor busting specials, so maybe
his woman is just enjoying a ‘buy one get one free’ puppy sale.
What are the odds?Pretty low, based on pet sales laws.
But either way, these little pups are definitely enjoying the
trolley ride all through store today. So much to see and smell,
so many sweet deals! If they could talk, they would probably
thank her for the sensory adventure. The other shoppers?
Let's hope they don't have any allergies!

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Rapunzel Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair
Did Rapunzel eventually escape the tower, lose her dress sense,
and the total desire to brush her hair? Why, yes. And then, she
gained a few pounds, aged a few years, and decided to visit Walmart.
Just kidding, Walmart has attracted yet another customer too lazy
to book a hairdresser appointment. Long and tangled, these locks
are disturbing. But this woman could probably make the case that
far worse has happened at the store, probably even this week!
Brush, comb, assistance to aisle 4.

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Fashion Forward
Another day, another Walmart mystery. Where to start? The tie-dye, the jeans,
the single leg warmer? It's almost too confusing to analyze! Yes, fashion is very individual,
but what kind of statement is this? That headpiece alone deserves its own paragraph.
Incredibly colorful, totally incomprehensible. Although this scene is basically offensive
from a fashion standpoint, one thing is for sure. This Walmart woman could be accused
of a lot of things, but she is not scared of taking risks.
And maybe that actually deserves a little more credit thee days!

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Wed-Mart Lovers
Well well, two lovebirds in line.
We can only imagine that these two met at this very location, waiting to pay at Walmart.
Naturally, what better place exists to say their vows? Is it the most romantic of settings?
No. But there's plentiful food, cheap clothing, and a reputation for enough entertainment
for everyone. Sounds like a memorable day, indeed! Maybe these two are onto something.
Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded Walmart buddy?
Yes, she does!

[Image: d2a1651030a7e0b93a4fe197e2ee60ca.jpg]
It's hard to keep up with the constantly changing trends on the beauty world these days,
but this woman just created a whole new look and we are pretty sure no one is going
to follow her trend! She basically looks like she has monster brows.

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I Love You, You Love Me
Finally, Barney’s wife! The world has been searching for her all this time, thinking she was extinct!
Calling the Discovery Channel, hello?
But seriously, that hanging dino tail could not have been an accident. Perhaps she is a birthday
party entertainer and came straight from the job? Or maybe, evolution is happening right before
our eyes? Walmart seems to be a welcoming place for the wacky and weird, but it looks like
she is loading up on booze. Lady, maybe lay off the drinks! What are you wearing in public?

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Masked And Ready
It seems there has been a big misunderstanding here. Walmart employees do try their
best, at least sometimes. But putting a medical mask on Corona beer? Why, that's just lazy
thinking! First of all, the virus has nothing to do with this delicious Mexican brand! A little
lime and a little light lager never hurt anybody. Second, there's no reason to protect the
beer itself from illness. These bottles can't get sick, can they? Overall, a waste of a precious mask.
Walmart, get with it!

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Reach For The Stars, Or Groceries
God help the clerks tasked to reach those top items.
Are you a giant, or at least over 6 feet tall?
If so, Walmart is probably hiring near you right now! Sadly, Walmart workers don't seem
to be the speediest fulfilling your request for those top shelf products. Where do they
store those ladders, the moon? In the meantime, this woman took things into her own
hands, literally. And we love it! She might have trouble standing and walking when it
comes to insurance issues, but a Walmart deal is a Walmart deal.
Oh yeah!

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Furry Fury
Wait a minute, are wolverines allowed in the store?
According to Walmart policy and the law itself, no way! If this is actually a human male,
though, the situation is far more frightening. Someone call the fashion police, right meow!
Despite its reputation for hosting the weird and wild, even Walmart has its limits. Today,
those limits have been found! It's possible this man wandered into the Gillette aisle and
found the razors. At least some Nair, please?
It's time a shave and a makeover — or a lifetime ban!

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Walking VLC Player
This woman has a clear message for anyone who even thinks about violating
social distancing guidelines. She is masked, but boy is she orange!
Hard to miss, stay away! A closer look reveals a lot more about this customer's hard work at home.
With a little creativity, she has effectively sealed her mouth and nose with some DIY fabric from home.
And the shirt matches well, too. The cone, though — the cone! If this becomes a trend, at least
there is historical evidence about where it all really began. Walmart, hello!

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Ninja Turtle Comeback
Another customer, another bizarre pet. No one would be surprised by a dog on a leash,
even if it's against store policy. But in all of Walmart photography history, this turtle is a first!
It's unique, sure. Could it be an emotional support animal trend? Perhaps. But nothing goes
as slow as a turtle, and it's likely this poor woman is in for one long shopping outing.
Weird as this situation undoubtedly is, it's probably not breaking any formal rules.
Who could have anticipated this in management?

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Deal Diving
It's true, high grade masks have been totally out of stock all around the world.
Yes, even Walmart was out of stock! When that happens, you know something serious is
happening. Walmart always has what you need, or so people assumed. A close inspection
of this unique approach reveals a few flaws, sadly. This clever lass has totally sealed off
her nose and eyes from coughs and sneezes. Great idea! But where is her breathing tube
sourcing its air from? There lies the problem. She is just sucking in germs, with no
social distancing at all! Walmart, take note.

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Check Out That Catpack
Cats ordinarily are not seen at Walmart, despite the kingdom of critters that do make their
way into the store. Maybe they have their own thing going on, most of the time?
This helpful bubble on a bag has completely trapped the cat. Against its will, it is now
exploring the aisles of a local Walmart. There certainly is a section just for pets, with lots
of distracting feathery toys and kibble smells. It's unlikely his owner is only going to
hang out there all day, though.
Sorry kitty hostage, prepare for boring sightseeing!

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Wrong Turn
It's true that everyone get s little groggy whole driving sometimes.
But this disoriented is totally out of the norm.
How exactly does one swerve all the way through the giant Walmart parking lot, straight into
the fresh produce aisle? Now that takes commitment!
Some are surely going to question the blood alcohol level of this driver.
But others may question the nature of the deals Walmart was offering that day.
Maybe with prices so low, a customer simply got too excited?
Was this black Friday, perhaps?
Inquiring minds want to know!

Semper Fidelis

[Image: SyAa0qj.png]

Nemo me impune lacessit
wow. crazy people.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel


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