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Brexit - easier to receive or worse?
(11-06-2019, 04:40 PM)G.Elias Wrote: It never ends does it this brexit la la land carry on,all the tricks johnston has been pulling,all the lies one after another,sad thing is,working class folk will vote a load of upper class 21st century toffs in rather than anything remotely linked to socialism,all the crap being written about terrorist sympathiser,turning us into a broke Venezuela etc.
Think we are seeing some of the worst underhand behaviour from politicians we may ever see,unless this is now the norm which wouldnt surprise me.
The ruling class has nothing but disdain for us,we are inferior,as recently pointed out by the freak Rees Mogg,he needs putting back in his victorian coffin they dug him up from.

Yes, Jacob Rees-Mogg's comments about the Grenfel fire were awful. Blaming the very people who died in a tower block fire is simply beyond words. If that man had his way women's right to choose (re abortion) would be gone and wave goodbye to gay rights too. The man is beyond satire.

The last few years feel like we've been living through an especially bad episode of The Thick of It. Or more like an episode that didn't get made as the script seemed too implausible. We are beyond the "piss up/brewery" situation and through the looking glass.

There was a time in the UK where people basically agreed on the facts, but had different beliefs about what should be done - like the left/right divide. Now we are "post-truth" it seems debates aren't won through facts, logic and reasoning, they are won using lies and emotional manipulation. For every complicated situation in the world there is an apparently simple solution that is wrong. During this rise in popularism we are fed these seemingly easy solutions that appeal on an emotional level. Any expert who dares point out it might be a bit more complicated than that, gets shouted down on the basis of being part of the "liberal metropolitan elite". When did we stop valuing knowledge and logical debate?

Messages In This Thread
Brexit - easier to receive or worse? - by barq2 - 06-15-2019, 02:54 PM
RE: Brexit - easier to receive or worse? - by barq2 - 11-09-2019, 11:26 AM

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