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Rituxan / Rituximab - Call for help
Rumor is correct about the Patients Assistance Programs. I've went to the manufacturer twice & inquired about the prescription that I needed. Most ask about your income & if you meet the requirements, you can get your script for 0-$10 a month. I am currently scripted a very expensive inhaler advertised on tv & my doc gave me a coupon to pay only $10 a month. This inhaler is Anoro advertised on tv. & it costs almost $500 a month without ins or coupon. I've also found that if it's advertised on tv & it's a new drug, then it's super expensive.....
This too shall pass. Heart
I am incredibly sad that these illnesses and problems are occuring. And equally impressed (and saddened) that quite a few of u know about these programs.

And i am sorry i did not even try to look it up till recently. Just some physical ailments inter alia. (among other things.)

You people are unbelievably trained and have researched and have knowledge galore.

I think we have some of the finest people now on forums for the chronically ill.

Thank you for being so wise despite your sufferings and trials. So giving.

This is an amazing community of brilliant and caring people.

We are blessed i feel to read your wisdom.

(I am so sorry for those whom suffer still.)
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

Denying coverage to a child/young person for a medication that can save their life from very rare diseases is very inhumane. Even up north those relying on Remicade got shafted, there's an alternative by another company that's much cheaper than the sudden lost of coverage by many insurances, including provincial insurance,then the ridiculous pricing, but it is just now covered in my province, they still had to pay a couple hundred dollars for something that if they were solely on government insurance, would cost nothing for years.

And yes, this place, although I mostly lurk,is a great resource for us who suffer from chronic diseases that don't kill but sometimes it might as well when you're not treated humanely or even just bare minimum correctly. In some ways,this is CrazyMeds Forums from the '00s, likely some/most of you knew that website and forum.
Thank You Roses for the info my wife uses an inhaler.

Rituximab is used primarily and routinely to treat blood related cancers, namely lymphoma.

Just by chance, 3 Norwegian doctors discovered it really helped a patient with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). It is now used off-label for that purpose and to treat other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus. It is also effective against rheumatoid arthritis.

I suffer from CFS. One of the symptoms I share with Zobra's young Sumac Syndrome is a low blood volume. Our blood count is OK, it's just that there is not enough blood flowing. Thus, I am not surprised that Rituximab has positive effects on Sumac Syndrome.

I have not had access to Rituximab myself, as its use to treat CFS is still ongoing trials.

I feel, however, that this "biological" type of chemotherapy medication has been around for a long time and can't be that expensive. Created in 1986, it was FDA approved for use in 1992. The cost of research has certainly been capitalized by now and the product itself can't be that costly to manufacture.

I don't know if I'm allowed to say where I live but I will point out that I know of people suffering from arthritis who have been receiving their injections at their local hospitals for many years, and for free!! They are able to work and pay taxes!

I can't understand that Rituxan is refused a person who will, in all probability, lose sight and hearing without it. It is extremely cold-hearted, Sad from a human point of view, but it is a unenlightened decision from a social perspective. As societies, we thrive, in so many ways, to keep our people active and productive, for the benefit of all. I don't see the economy in condemning a youngster to grow in an adulthood where he will have to call on so many social services to lead a normal life.

I'm sorry Zobra, that I could not find any safe place to recommend to purchase rituximab at an affordable price.


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