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50 poster thread or secure

(07-25-2015, 05:06 PM)whatapain Wrote: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, FOLLOW">

header('X-Robots-Tag: noindex,nofollow');     (for php)

  • Don't display a cache link or snippet for this item in the Google search results:
X-Robots-Tag: noarchive, nosnippet
  • Don't include this document in the Google search results:
X-Robots-Tag: noindex
  • Tell us that a document will be unavailable after 7th July 2007, 4:30pm GMT:
X-Robots-Tag: unavailable_after: 7 Jul 2007 16:30:00 GMT

You can combine multiple directives in the same document. For example:
  • Do not show a cached link for this document, and remove it from the index after 23rd July 2007, 3pm PST:
X-Robots-Tag: noarchive
X-Robots-Tag: unavailable_after: 23 Jul 2007 15:00:00 PST

For the
meta tag to be effective, the page must not be blocked by a robots.txt file. If the page is blocked by a robots.txt file, the crawler will never see the
tag, and the page can still appear in search results, for example if other pages link to it.

This example tells all robots to stay out of a website:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /

User-agent: googlebot        # all Google services

Disallow: /private/          # disallow this directory

User-agent: googlebot-news   # only the news service

Disallow: /                  # disallow everything

User-agent: *                # any robot

Disallow: /something/        # disallow this directory

Hope this helps a bit. I am sure you already know all of this. but makes for easy cut and paste
I'm having some issues sleeping so I'm throwing out a lot of ideas for the request for ideas. Ignore what doesn't make sense. You know what's going on with me.

If at all possible I would like to see an area where confirmed purchasers can confer as to more open information, but this requires a few things:

a) Verification. How does one verify a purchase? WU/MG receipt to an admin? Check in with a vendor? Some other way?

b) This obviously opens up room to a lot more personal information to be discussed. The privacy of the forum has to be guaranteed, as in, essentially invisible and nonexistent to outsiders, and there needs to be some sort of moderation that prevents individually identifiable information from being out. Saying "I received from East Timor to Alabama in 17 days" is very different from "Received from so-and-so, EMS, packaging ok but rattled, 8 days Chicago ISC, to Burlington, Iowa" I think somehow a plan needs to be worked out that works both practically and make the as unavailable as possible from afar.

c) People will talk shit but of course by nature a lot of us are anxious, but there should be some sort of drama-free way of running this exchange of information. LL verification is easy. Non-shipment/exit scams? More difficult. Someone on staff or several would ideally be designated as the liaison to vendors who do not post here to get their side of the story so to speak, someone who is firm but not rude, courteous, diplomatic, not short-tempered, but at the same time don't take shit, you know? The reason why this may be multiple people is that personalities may simply don't get along for no good reason. This isn't a full time gig, just a checkup job.

d) I like keeping the 50 post thing, or base it on a mixture of posts, reputation, as well as administrative discretion. Bright line rules are nice, but ultimately a number is not a great judgment of a person. Hell, on the internet is's already hard to judge personality, why make it more complicated. If someone has 50 posts but they're barely on topic and crap... well.... not really interested.

Effectively I'm suggesting maybe a section that is more open to dialogue and info but with tighter security. I think it comes with the territory, and with some level of moderation that would resolve potential conflicts. Otherwise it would be chill, certainly. Unfortunately I don't have a good name for anything. I named my cat Fuckles back in the day so there.

Let me know what you think! I'm just throwing ideas out really, and I'm mostly concerned about operational security if we grow bigger. IF anyone remembers OPR or its derivatives there were always registration stoppages and purges of inactives and that might be something to consider.

I've definitely wandered off topic so let me know what you think! Cheers!
sorry to take such a long time to respond.
Bots... hanging around.... well it makes for good seo..... but..... how much do you want on the web?
only problem I see is putting lots of names in the open. lots of words on the web lead to lots of eyes on the site.
Is that bad? all depends.

Wondering if the .org could just be a landing page, with a link or redirect to a second page which would be the actual forum.
One could put as many metatags etc... on the landing page.
that would be a monster project. every section its own page.... Y that has to be a 2 day job lol.

I think suggested iop might be best as a no follow, whos got, and some of the more personal info might be good to keep low
Just think if gives a feeling of more well comfort... for some of our friends...

Ive been slow to hit the 50 poster here... but life, just gets in the way... so I have not been to the other side
And I know that there is some real talent here when it comes to da web...

Really just thinking about keeping our friends a bit less seen.

Really not for any post that speaks of p ay mints or how to's other than introductions anywhere.
Might not be a good idea to be part of those things...

Good to have a section for feedback. but you sure see a few folks that like to share some really iffy info.
like... Hey guess where my package is today? Im thinking there might be a few who visit at times that could read that and say.. well crap...he has a package there...Im going to look.... Just hiding those kind of things..

Anyway I have faith in this group.and the top dog,admin .. the big cheese, the big kahuna, the ceo, the bmoc..... Everyone here started as friends, and hopefully remain friends..

Many I would give the shirt off my back because of the friendship you have shown... I am glad to know where many went.. because this , this group, they are where it all began..
I am totall on board with the 50 post idea to keep things slightly more private. Charon is on point and the admins would never lead us astray
Wonderful idea. Would keep the search ingines out of this info most of us don't want out there. I'm !000% behind this. Heart

" To open a shop is easy, to keep it open is an art"
(08-18-2015, 03:26 PM)OrangeClay Wrote: Wonderful idea. Would keep the search ingines out of this info most of us don't want out there. I'm !000% behind this. Heart

didn't even think about it like that, that is definitely 100 percent correct and I back this whole heartedly, I know ill hit 50 eventually and then get that info, but until then I think the restriction is a great safety measure
(08-24-2015, 03:12 PM)FirePlaces Wrote: Morning Gang. I hit 50 posts this am.  So now I can PM, rate posts, and have access to the restricted area.

Kind of wish the restricted area had somewhere to chat.  Could we have a Random Thoughts thread there maybe?  I'd be nice to chat with other members without it being accessible to G00gle.

I know Char mentioned something along though lines, a 'Freedom' area.  

Not in a hurry.  Life is too short to be in a hurry.  Lol.  

Just thought i'd bring it up.

FirePlaces you reached PM status and I haven't got one yet, and it has been 2 days ago!

Well I never.  …Wait a minute I heading off topic here, I guess U are waiting for me to….

Joking aside have a place that the search b0ts cant do there thing is or should be a goal and it should be a mini forum with in that area, dont you think?
well maybe u could just chat a bit in ON topic areas with us. maybe? we be cool.

Fire, we shall address a private chat area as we grow. Deal? Give me a bit of time to gather my staff and we shall get back to u.
Angel  It is Well with My Soul  Angel

[Image: Simpsons-Area-51.jpg]

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