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Google will print every question on meds u ask
(09-12-2016, 08:49 PM)Pineapplepen Wrote: Thank you for the heads up. I totally get the crypticness.

And Cricket, I wish I was smart like you and kept my old cell. My SO keeps upgrading me, i preferred back in the old days honestly.

Way back before 9/11 even, I knew this was coming because I listened to the many whistleblowers and "conspiracy theorists" that said it was gonna happen. I spent a lot of time researching all that they said and decided to pay attention. So glad I did, but when I tried to warn others about it, they laughed at me BIG time.
The American people are way too trusting of the LIES they hear in the media, which BTW is owned by the evil SOB's behind all of this. I research EVERYTHING before I make my decisions. All the media is, is a tool of mind control that is working very well for them. Never believe what they say before you check it out for yourself. Nobody bothered to do that and that's the reason we're in the mess we're in today. 99.999% of what the whistleblowers have said way back have come true. All of the true info is out there, but you just have to listen to the people that were on the inside and did everything they could to warn us.
Many times I have been offered a brand new smart phone for free and I tell them to go shove it.

All I can say is, PLEASE pay attention to what these brave people are saying is coming. It's gonna get very bad and is probably too late to do anything to stop the plans they have for us. Hell, I've listened to lectures and watched soooo many documentaries from back in the 60's and 70's. Damn if it hasn't come true. But because our lovely media tells us these people are crazy and don't listen to them, most did not. Now look at where we are today.

This country is goin' down quickly and it doesn't matter who will be their "puppet" in the white house. Any candidate we get to choose from is surely on the team. We're doomed no matter what.

Sorry for goin' on and on about this, but it's a very sore subject with me. America is no longer for "we the people"


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RE: Google will print every question on meds u ask - by Cricket - 09-12-2016, 11:38 PM

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