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LL outcomes
I've been ordering off and on for 4 or 5 years, and I've have never gotten a LL from an order. But every time I do order I get anxious about it...

My question is if I ever do get one, is my address burned, or does it make it more likely to get others? 

I've gone through this section and it appears that at least some people are pretty nonchalant about them. But I know if I ever get one I'll be pretty freaked. I did find some comfort in some of the comments deeper in this section...but I wanted to directly ask about it. 

Hopefully, it won't come up. Are there a lot of folks here who have never gotten one? And for those that have, has it changed your attitude about doing business with IOPs, or changed how you go about ordering?

Thanks for any comments you have about this....
Hi W.B,i got my first after many years,a couple of months ago,thank god,everthing else has arrived.yes it did skare the sh!t out of me.i just filed it,and do a lot of prayin did make me nervous,but I have to try to live my life to the fullest.if the drs aren't going to help,i have to try to help myself.i have rsd/crps over 80% of my body,im in AGONY! 24/7.everybody around me knows what I do.its to spend more time with THEM. good luck..
I just got one today!! All it says it was seized. Im not really concerned about it, to be honest because theres no way the have all the time and resources to follow up on every seizure... I would think anyway. And they probably go after the people sending larger amounts of schedule 1. If I got a knock at my door hopefully it will just be warning as its medication for anxiety and not exactly recreational.

That said does anyone have experience with one? Its more annoying to me than anything as I am running very low on my meds. Ill keep everyone posted if anything happens. Also as the OP stated is my name or address now flagged???

Your address won't be burned, and it shouldn't make it more likely that you'll receive another LL. I would only worry about it if you were ordering very large quantities. If you are within the normal amount for a month or so supply then they will just destroy it, and you can just throw the LL away. Just be safe when ordering anything my friends. Have a good day!
I'd also like to hear from folks who have gotten one or more and kept ordering. How'd it work out? I wish there was an authoritative source for info on this. An AMA from a friendly on Reddit at least...I read anecdotal comments about the issue (with all due respect) and it helps but it'd be nice to get some info from someone in a position to know (as dangerous as that might be for the informer's job).

I wish I was a fly on the customs wall....but not one of those gross kinds.
Unfortunately if our drs. wont give it to us,and we have to take it into our own hands,i told my dr. the amount I would need to live a comfortable(functionable)life like I used to.she said the new laws are too strick.they would not get FLAGGED like my last dr. of 8yrs. charges ever filed,just dea flagged his scripts.i couldn't get them filled anywhere.i had to start over at a new dr. she said you need to do what you feel comfortable with doing.she a user not an abuser.anything scheduled you order in your state can put you in jail,if they feel like it. that's why we are here,to help each other have better lives.

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