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F2F with physician coming up, any suggestions?
That's awesome, Dentscllyfe! I hope your relationship with your new doc is long, therapeutic, and successful.

I have actually had a lot of luck with just sort of overwhelming them with information. My medical history is long, complicated, and many doctors do not understand much about my chief conditions. So when I started seeing my PM doc, for instance, I basically went in with ALL of it. I brought lists of symptoms, and I didn't just ask for one drug specifically- I also tell them "well, this medication does THIS, exactly, and I didn't think it was successful because of THIS, and then that had an interaction with that..." and, ultimately, the appeal for knowledge. Instead of "and I would like this," I went for more of a "and I thought that this was successful, so if you know of anything that will also work for me, I would really appreciate it," or something along those lines. At one point, his eyes sort of glazed over, and he finally just said "well, if something works, it works," and wrote the scrip for that.

And I live in a state that's widely regarded to be one of the most if not the most difficult on PK docs- a decade or so ago we were real famous for basically having a pill mill in every strip mall, and they cracked down REALLY hard. My doctor and pharmacist both complain all the time that patients have trouble getting the meds that they need- but it seemed pretty simple to me.

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RE: F2F with physician coming up, any suggestions? - by TVNerd - 02-10-2017, 07:41 PM

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